School of Physics and Electronic Engineering successfully held the second teaching competition for teachers


In the afternoon of October 26, the second teaching competition for teachers of School of Physics and Electronic Engineering was successfully held in the intelligent classroom of Sanshan Building 804. The leadership team of the faculty, the young teachers of the assistant teaching period and the main training period observed the whole competition. The competition focused on further strengthening and improving the basic teaching skills and teaching ability of teachers in the college, with the basic concept of "teaching a good lesson", so that the majority of front-line teachers can further establish advanced education and teaching concepts, apply modern teaching methods and approaches, focus on the course thinking and political practice, adhere to the transfer of knowledge, ability training and value education, etc. The students will be able to promote the high-quality and connotative development of the teaching work of the College of Physics and Electricity.

A total of 8 teachers participated in the competition after their own application and recommendation from their departments. The participating teachers showed their solid basic skills of classroom teaching in terms of teaching content, teaching organization, teacher's quality and thinking and political characteristics. The lectures of 18-20 minutes each had a distinctive theme, combined with various forms of text, pictures and videos, and the lectures were in-depth and logical. Finally, the wonderful performance of the participating teachers won the unanimous praise of the on-site judges and experts.

After the on-site evaluation and scoring, Mr. Bu Min won the first prize; three teachers, namely Hua Xiaobin, Xu Kesheng and Chu Soldier, won the second prize; four teachers, namely Zhang Wengan, Ren Yuan, Zhang Lichuan and Zhang Yufeng, won the third prize. The leaders of the college and the experts of the jury presented the awards to the winners in turn.

Through this teaching competition, it further implemented the fundamental task of establishing moral education in our college, enhanced the teaching quality awareness of all teachers, cultivated the rigorous attitude of young teachers, and comprehensively improved the teaching ability and business level of all teachers.